What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the oldest known medical science in the world. It dates back more than 5000 years, and the oldest and most important text, the Charaka Samhita, is estimated to have been written around 300 BC.

Our five senses are in constant communication with the world around us. Ayurveda is the only system that uses our senses to regulate how we can live in harmony with our environment and stay healthy.

The progress of the entire system is classified and regulated according to the unique “Tridosha Theory”. This theory regulates the interconnection and effects of our five human senses — sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell —with Air, Space, Fire, Water and Earth, which are the five primordial elements that make up the universe. According to Ayurveda, every person is unique and inside of everyone else, and this is an essential summary of the universe as it exists. The entire web of life is interconnected. Everything that happens around us affects us, and we affect our environment.

According to the Tridosha theory, the five primordial elements that make up the universe combine to create three vital energies, and these energies are called Doshas.

Combination of air and space


Combination of fire and water


Combinationof water and soil

These three Doshas exist in all things, but in varying proportions and effects.

The fact that these are in different angles and at different proportions in everyone reveals the uniqueness of every individual.
A person who understands the Tridosha system and can arrange his life accordingly, can lead a significantly healthier and happier life.

In the Ayurvedic medicine system, the main purpose is to live healthily in all aspects and to maintain a whole life with youthful performance. This is accomplished by slowing down the effects of aging.The treatment of illness also begins by balancing the Doshas. Thus, all illnesses are treated from a fundamental standpoint, starting from the root cause.

What is the best way to avoid disease?

According to Ayurveda, whose basic principle is to strengthen the immune system, which is the body's basic defence system, a person who avoids three distinct behaviours does not become sick.


(Abuse of the mind)

The root of 50% of diseases is knowingly doing the wrong things. To suppress our natural needs such as thirst, sleep, urination, hunger.

Asatmendriyartha samyoga

(Abuse of emotions)

Not using our senses properly, using them excessively or using them abnormally, etc.


(Seasonal changes)

Acting contrary to the situation and time, Ignoring the changes in our bodies that come with age, etc.


How does Ayurveda approach people?

Ayurveda treats each person as a unique being with a unique body and spiritual structure. Every person is born into and lives in a unique geographical and social environment. Every person wants to lead a long and healthy life, to be happy, and be surrounded by loved ones and success..


Special discounts on programs with accommodation.

Experience this brand-new venture, where you can combine physical, spiritual, and mental purification, with the privileged living spaces of Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa and Cornelia Azure Villas. To feed your mind as well, you will be undertaking your cure at a location where the vast blue of the Mediterranean meets the unique green of Belek. As you embark upon your health program, you can offer a pleasant holiday opportunity for your family and loved ones.

What is Panchakarma?

We offer you a proven detox program with a history dating back three thousand years. Ayurvedic detox is the only practice that cleanses your spleen and lymph ducts. According to modern medicine, the root cause of 80% of diseases is high stress. Stress is everywhere in the modern world. Simply relying on the phrase "you should avoid stress" is not the solution, and it is very difficult to implement complete avoidance in this world. Our aim is not to give you advice which is impossible to follow. Our goal is to balance and rejuvenate your nervous system. Once that is accomplished, you can avoid 80% of possible diseases. Your physical, psychological, and social happiness increases. In addition, we accompany you as you achieve healthy and permanent weight loss in a short time and diminish the effects of a past Covid infection.

Our Detox and Anti-Aging Centre is now open.

For the first time in Türkiye, modern medicine and Ayurvedic medicine come together. Beginning October 1, Dr. Buğra Öktem, who has been implementing Ayurvedic Detox and Anti-Aging solutions since 2006, and our team offer our valued guests a brand-new experience where you can experience physical, spiritual, and mental purification. We invite you to visit our Crassula Detox & Anti-Aging centre where you can benefit from the practices, analyses, activities, and menus prepared in line with programs personalized to your specific needs.

Program Starting Days

October 2024 : 07 October 2024
November 2024: 25 November 2024
December 2024 : 16 December 2024
January 2025: 06 January 2025
February 2025: 17 February 2025
March 2025: 17 March 2025
April 2025 : 14 April 2025
May 2025 : 12 May 2025

* The consultation hours with Dr. Buğra Öktem on the relevant dates take place between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

For reservation and detailed information;

Telephone: +90 242 710 16 00
Whatsapp: +90 539 930 19 39
Or you can fill out our Reservation form.

Reservation Form


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